Thursday 28 July 2011

Ancient Mating Dance Instructions For Women

Ok girls, here is how you can pick the man that YOU WANT from a crowd:

Catch his attention as he looks around the room and look directly into his eyes. When your eyes meet, smile and hold the connection a little longer than normally done. Do it noticeably longer than when looking at other men and friends. This is definitely a very special gaze and it packs a powerful body language message.

While looking at him, think these thoughts so your face will be most inviting to him and it will help you time your gaze: "Come here big man, I am the special woman you want and I am all yours! All you have to do is come to me." (He might even read your mind!)

If the guy maintains eye contact with you, then smile and drop your gaze DOWN to your lap or table.
In a few seconds glance back to see if he is paying close enough attention to look back to meet your eyes again for a even more friendly eye contact. Gaze into his eyes again for a slightly longer time, then smile and look down.

Please Note that:

1. Making Eye Contact Shows Interest
Looking directly into the eyes of another person can send a powerful message indicating either a desire for closer contact or a challenge to fight. The length of eye contact and the body language, with facial expression, reveals if the contact is to be inviting or threatening. So be sure to smile when you are trying to make a friendly connection with this long eye contact.

Observing the eye movements of acquaintances can be very revealing. For example, when meeting a new person if they make only very brief eye contact, then their interest in you is minimal. They will remain emotionally distant from you until something changes their attitude. This weak personal connection toward you may not necessarily have anything to do with you. He or she may feel intimidated, inferior, frightened, or shy.

Watch for these eye patterns when you are using your flirting eye contact:

If he or she looks away quickly while you are holding your gaze, then there is little interest in you -- or they have interest but are afraid of intimacy or are shy.

(For women)If he holds his eye contact until you break it off to look down, then he has interest in you. If he is there to meet your gaze when you look back up, or he repeatedly glances in that direction, then he has great interest in you.

Researchers have measured the length of the average casual eye contact at about 100 milliseconds (one-tenth second). The flirting eye contact lasts at least 150 milliseconds. Amazingly it is done unconsciously and very accurately in most cultures. This longer than usual eye contact is an ancient body language signal indicating interest.

2. Looking Down Indicates Passiveness
It is important to understand the strong message you send when you hold your gaze for longer than normal, then break eye contact and look DOWN. This is body language from our ancestors that is programmed into our DNA. This is what the message is:

A Smile and Long Eye Contact = "I am friendly and happy to see you. I am interested in you."

Looking Down = "I will not resist you! You may come closer." The receiver of this message should read it as, "I want you to approach me! I am waiting for you!"

I wonder how many men have fallen for that women's trick over the past million years?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Lure Of Color

What color can you wear to compel the opposite sex to
approach you?

Women are attracted to men wearing the color blue. And why
wouldn't we be? guys who frequently
wear blue are "stable, faithful, constant and always there." The
blue guy is a fantastic candidate for a long-term relationship --
someone who's dependable, momogomous and can match his
own clothes.

And what about the ladies?
Women should wear a pink- peach to make themselves most approachable. The
color is very flattering to most skin tones, it gives you healthy
glow, and shows a little vulnerability
which brings out something protective in men.

Want to wear a color that weeds out guys who can't handle
strong women? 
Try a deep red, burgundy or plum. Men who
aren't attracted to strong women will steer clear.

Of all the colors, red is the most sensual. But, wear red with
caution. "Red is the color of sex and power," says Eiseman.
Red adds an element of excitement and attracts two types of
men - men interested in sex, and men attracted to powerful
women. Sure, you'll probably have to fend off a lot of freaks,
but you could also end up attracting a guy that isn't threatened
by the fact that you make a bigger salary.

Concerned your wardrobe is driving people away? Stay away
from what Eiseman calls "squished caterpillar yellow-green"
which is said to repel both sexes equally.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Attract a Man with Safe Body Language

Three simple things you can do with your body language to make you see more approachable to men:

  1. Don’t take up a lot of space (which is a sign of wanting power and superiority.We are strong women, but remember, we’re trying to get a man to come over and talk to us, you have to show you have room for someone else in your life.
  2. In addition, to be very approachable women should stand with their feet no farther than 6 inches apart with toes pointed slightly inward.
  3. Other key moves – the nod and the head tilt – signal you’re listening to what the other person has to say.

Friday 22 July 2011

Deadly Mistakes Men Make with Body Language

A lot of men show "dependent" body language when interacting with women. They try to act like the girl and try to do the same gestures that she is doing. This should not be the case. She has to be the one that orients herself to you.

  • Darting eyes
  • Fidgeting
  • Stumbling over words
  • Tentative gestures
  • Nervous habits
  • Staring at the floor
  • “Leaning in”
  • Stiffness
  • Hunchback
  • Weak handshake
  • Cracking knuckles
  • Moving your mouth/licking your lips a lot
  • Too much eye contact/too little eye contact
  • Nervous tics and breathing
  • Watching instead of doing signals, self-consciousness and lack of leadership.

Thursday 21 July 2011

The Body Language Of Your Hands

It is your face that probably gets noticed first, but your hands get the most exposure: the most exposure to people, the sun and the elements. Because of that exposure, your hands are what is going to display your age. By taking proper care of your hands you will be able to look your best, and maybe even look younger than you thought you could. So take care of your hands, no matter what your age, and enjoy the benefits.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Body Language Used by Attractive Men

Women will notice you a lot more if you apply these. You have to portray strong body language from the very beginning of meeting a women. This will give her a good impression of you.

  • Strong, secure eye contact
  • Don't break eye contact first
  • Dominant, confident posture and walk
  • Slower-than-usual movements and gestures
  • Unself-conscious demeanor
  • Head up
  • Lift the chest
  • Take up space
  • Legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart
  • Hands in front or back pockets, at sides or arms crossed.
  • Walk with a purpose

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Body Language Across The Room

Here are signs of interest sent from across the room. Most are applicable to both sexes. The sequence of the list approximates the courtship sequence.
Frequency of eye contact, the more the better. Amount of time she, or he, holds your gaze, the longer the better. How she breaks off eye contact, down before away is great! Shine of the eyes, the brighter the better. Direction of body, toward you, good, away, bad.
Overall posture, erect and alert are good. Tilt of head, vertical is bad, increased tilt is great. Where the drink is held, high in front as a barrier, that's bad. Hand activity, clenched, squeezing or pinching is bad, open, caressing or stroking is great.

So here are some signs to show she is interested in you from across the room"

I'm Interested:
  • Sidelong glance(s)
  • Looks at you a few times
  • Holds your gaze briefly
  • Downcast eyes, then away
  • Posture changes to alert
  • Preens, adjusts hair, attire
  • Turns body toward you
  • Tilts head
  • Narrows eyes slightly
  • Smiles
  • Matches your posture
  • Eyes sparkle
  • Licks her lips
  • Thrusts breasts

Signs she is not interested in you:

Not Interested:
  • Never sneaks a peek
  • Fleeting eye contact
  • Looks away quickly
  • Looks away, eyes level
  • Posture unchanged
  • Does no preening
  • Turns body away
  • Head remains vertical
  • Eyes remain normal
  • Neutral, polite face
  • Posture unchanged
  • Normal or dull eyes
  • Keeps mouth closed
  • Sags to de-emphasize breasts

Monday 18 July 2011

Anxious Body Language

All of these signs display some form of discomfort. What can be confusing is that we don't know if it means that the person you're getting these signals from wants to leave or is just plain nervous around you. Here are some basic body language signs that convey anxiety:

  • Throat-clearing
  • Fidgeting
  • Nail Biting
  • Glances at exit door
  • Sweating
  • Taking a step back
  • Hand-wringing
  • Jingling things in pockets
  • Ear-tugging
  • Hands covering mouth
  • Not looking at you

Male Mating Rituals

A great article about make mating rituals and how the alpha male gets the girl from The Sunday Times:

THEY slap their fellow males on the back, sprawl across sofas and shoot repeated glances at target females. The moves of men on the prowl in bars have been analysed by academics using techniques more commonly associated with observing the mating rituals of apes and other wild animals.The researchers found that success came from expansive “dominant male” gestures towards fellow men. Leaving women in no doubt that they were the focus of attention was also key — 13 glances in half an hour was the average for a “pull”.
The study suggests men use the moves to demonstrate their status, health and general prowess to females who they have not met before. It is bad news, however, for more diffident men who keep their arms folded or shift politely to allow others to sit down — they betray their inferior place in the pecking order and probably wreck their chances of chatting up females.
“Males who successfully made ‘contact’ courtship initiation with females exhibited different body language in this pre-contact phase than did males who did not make contact with females,” write the Austrian-American research team in this month’s edition of the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.
According to the researchers, the necessary traits included significantly more glancing behaviours, “space-maximisation movements”, touching of other men and less closed body movements.
The findings were supported by Desmond Morris, the veteran anthropologist and author of The Naked Ape. “These sorts of observations are valuable because they tell you what happens in real life,” he said. “Glance-direction is very important. The man who pays attention is going to have a real advantage.”
The research was carried out among men aged between 21 and 34. The academics secretly observed them in bars during evenings out, analysing their behaviour in detail for half an hour, then following their success afterwards.
In the hour after the detailed observations about a third of the men managed to talk to women for more than a minute. The posture and actions of this group were markedly different from those who failed to make contact with female strangers.
An early giveaway that a man was plotting an approach was when he started stroking his beard area — an implicit signal, said the researchers, to draw attention to facial features.
The average of 13 glances at women for successful men compared with six for the “wallflowers”. Gestures among the successful also included jokingly punching their male friends, tapping them on the shoulder or elbowing them in the ribs.
They also made an average of 19 “space maximisation” moves — such as expansive gestures or resting their arms on seats adjacent to the ones on which they were sitting; the men who flopped made just 10 of these gestures. In addition, the lothario group were more likely to stand or sit with their legs wide apart and hands on hips.
The researchers believe women observe a man’s body language from a distance to judge whether he is interested in them, friendly, and whether he has the social and physical characteristics of a potential mate.
The giveaway sign of a man not about to “score” is his crossed arms and drooped shoulders. He is also the one likely to be prodded or slapped by the friend who will later leave him at the bar as he chats up a woman.
The research team, based at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology at Vienna University, and at Bucknell University in America, includes Professor Karl Grammer, a senior social anthropologist, and two American researchers, Lee Ann Renninger and Professor T Joel Wade.
They write that although men usually make the first attempt to start a conversation, they wait for body-language cues from women — such as a glance, then a look away — before approaching.
Their aim in researching the paper, called Getting That Female Glance: Patterns And Consequences of Male Nonverbal Behaviour in Courtship Contexts, was to find what prompts a woman to send a signal to a man that she is happy for him to approach.
Nick Neave, an evolutionary psychologist at Northumbria University, said: “Females like males who are high status and who have the respect of their peers. Men have a pecking order — if there is a group of guys, there will be a hierarchy.”
Christoph Atkins, a 22-year-old accountant from Cambridge, said the research accurately reflected his experience of being “on the pull”. He said: “Making eye contact, giving a little smile and then looking away a few times works. You can tell that way if she likes you or not. And when you’re with other men you try to draw attention to yourself.”
Victoria Orme, 24, a civil servant from Birmingham, said: “You notice when they preen themselves. They think we don’t notice all that stuff but we do.”
She added: “Eye contact is very important — as long as they’re looking at your eyes and not anywhere south of there.”

Sunday 17 July 2011

Fast Seduction for Men Reading Women's Cues

But look for these signs to show you whether you're already making progress:) It's also fun to look for these signs as a by-stander, either in everyday situations or for example in a bar - when the guy earnestly believes he is being sooo smooth but the woman he is talking to isn't displaying any of the signs presented below, you can't help but have a chuckle about it:)

Her eyes:

  • She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.
  • She raises both eyebrows exaggeratedly for a couple of seconds, this is often combined with a smile and some eye contact.
  • She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.
  • While talking to you, she blinks more than usual, fluttering her eyelashes.
  • Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile indicates interest in you.

Her lips:

  • Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
  • Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
  • She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
  • She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
  • She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.

Her hair:

  • She pushes her fingers through her hair. This can be one hand movement or more of a stroking motion.
  • She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you.
  • She is throwing her hair back off her shoulders.

Her clothing:

  • If she is wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect.
  • The hem goes up to expose a little more leg.
  • She is fixing, patting or smoothing her outfit to make herself look better.

While she is seated:

  • She moves in time to the music, with her eyes on you.
  • She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm.
  • She is sitting with her legs open.
  • She sits with her legs crossed in a manner to reveal her thigh.
  • Her legs are rubbing against each other.
  • Her legs are rubbing against the leg of the table.
  • Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that same leg is rocking back and forth towards you.

Her hands:

  • She exposes the palms of her hand facing you.
  • While talking to you, she rests an elbow in the palm of one hand, while holding out her other hand, palm up.
  • She rubs her wrists up and down.
  • She sits with one hand touching one of her breasts.
  • She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she's thinking about you and her relating in some way:)
  • She is fondling keys, sliding hands up and down a glass, playing with toys or other things on the table.
  • She plays with her jewellery, especially with stroking and pulling motions.
  • She touches your arm, shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you (in case you already haven't started kino yourself, dumbass:).
  • She is pretending to look at her watch as you pass her.

Her voice

  • She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours.
  • She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours.
  • She laughs in unison with you.
  • In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you.


  • She mirrors your body language and body positions.
  • Her skin tone becomes red while being around you.
  • She blows smoke straight out from between her lips and toward you.
  • She leans over and speaks into her friend's ear, just like in junior high school.
  • She is standing with her head cocked slightly at an angle, one foot behind the other, hips slightly thrust forward.
  • At a party - every once in a while she seems to appear out of nowhere in your vicinity and if you move to another spot, soon she appears out of nowhere again, you catch her glancing in your general direction (actually, glancing at YOU dummy!:), she bumps into you… accidentally, touches you… accidentally etc:)

When talking to a girl, these are some of the more important signs to watch for:

  • Can you keep conversation going with her?
  • Does she react well to kino?
  • Does she touch you?
  • Does she laugh?

Now I don't have to explain what the answer "yes" to these questions means, do I:)

From "Sweep women off their feet...": "All these signs usually tell you that the girl is captivated by your charms. But before you get there, chances are that her body language changes as the discussion progresses. Make sure that you watch her closely and as soon as you get a sign that should be an indication that you are on the right track, keep going in that direction. If the opposite happens, just change the subject and see what happens."

The really gorgeous and beautiful girls however very seldom get around to displaying the signs of interest described above. They simply don't have to, as they are used to getting some attention already long before that. With such girls you have to be on a lookout for the initial and thus much more subtle signs of interest. One example of this would be a gorgeous girl simply looking at your face. Obviously people tend to look at what or whom they like to look at. But whereas an average girl first just looks at your face and then progresses into the more overt signs of interest described above, looking at your face from time to time might be the only sign of interest you'll ever get from the most beautiful of girls.

So if you think you're not getting any signs of interest from beautiful girls - you are, but you just can't see them well enough yet.

Film Yourself

You can improve your body language so that you can be more in control of what messages your are sending out there to him/ her.

You can improve your body language with a video camera. Try to get someone to film you at a social gathering. This can be very painful to watch but is of immense value to you.

Things to look out for:

Your Posture:
Are you a huncher? if you are you probably creep girls out when you approach them. Here is an excellent technique for improving your posture:
  • Spinal Alignment - Think of your spine as a stack of coins. Each disc of your vertebrae should be balanced on top of the other, with your skull comfortable perched atop. The key is to become aware of your posture, which alone takes practice. I printed the words "Sit up Straight" next to my computer as a reminder and it worked for me. When you catch yourself slumping, imagine your head as a helium balloon pulling your spine straight. Try to keep your ribs and hips aligned with each other as much as possible. When you bend over, bend at the waist and slightly bend your knees, instead of curving your spine. It takes practice but basically it is a balance of keeping yourself upright without looking like a stiff jackass. You find your alignment and at the same time relax into it. To really get a feel of how your spine is supposed to be aligned, lay on the floor on your back and bend your knees. so your feet are planted on the floor. Take a few deep breaths.
  • The Importance of Symmetry - Using your mind, imagine an invisible vertical line dividing your body in half. Try to create a sense that each half is a mirrored image of the other. Aside from the ergonomic aspects of this, it has been scientifically proven that in nature, symmetry is an attractive quality. In other words, don't cross your legs when you sit, and don't shift all your weight to one leg when you stand. Be balanced.
  • Trapezius Balance - The trapezius is one of the most abused muscles in the body. The problem is that we either hunch over too much or overdo the opposite extreme by sticking our chests out. To find the ideal middle-ground, imagine a force pulling your shoulder blades apart and widening your back, this not only helps to release the tension stored in the midsection of this muscle, but also increases your perceived width and presence. I have had people ask me if I have been hitting the gym ever since I adopted this posture! The upper section of the trapezius also suffers alot of tension, this is the muscle that stretches from your shoulders to your neck. This tension can be alleviated by becoming aware of your collar bones. They should always form a straight line, parallel to the ground. In other words, don't scrunch them up so that they for a "v" and don't push them down so the form an "A"

Lean back and take up as much space as possible. Men increase their perceived size to attract females. Sit with your legs open wide or when standing keep your feet about shoulder width apart.

Use a deliberate and relaxed pace. This creates a very subtle sense of peace on confidence that emanates from you and all others will feel. Don't gesture wildly or whip your head around. Do everything slowly and calmly. Also, unless you enjoy looking insecure and nervous, don't bite nails, fidget or play with things in your hands. Just hold a drink or keep your hands by your waist.

Lingering Looks

A woman can show a man that she is into him by giving him lingering looks. She may also hold a man’s gaze briefly, turning her body toward him. A slow turn of the head may be perceived by a man as an invitation to come closer. She may glance over and make eye contact while raising an eyebrow (this is a more obvious sign of flirting).

Women always give themselves away with this one special tip you are about to get here:
The higher a woman's interest in you, the more likely she is to watch you as you leave. So, next time you leave a woman, as she's standing on the curb, pay attention to whether she watches you drive off, or if she just walks into the house. If you're getting out of her car, pay attention to whether she drives off, or watches you go into your house/car.

When a woman feels a genuine attraction toward you, her feelings linger when you're long gone.

Releasing Endorphins When Smiling

You cannot fake a sincere smile, it is something that radiates from within which is why when you smile at someone of the opposite sex they take it as a genuine show of interest. By showing both your top and bottom teeth they you are demonstrating that you really want to get sociable.

Research shows that the body releases endorphins when you smile so not only does it make you feel good to smile but it also makes others feel good to see you smile.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Attraction Rejection Game

You may be in lust over someone but find yourself caught up in the attraction rejection game with them. the dance goes something like this:
B is attracted to A
B advances towards A.
A moves away from B.
B stops pursuing A.
A is attracted to B.
A advances towards B.
B moves away from A.
A stops pursuing B.
The pattern then repeats ad infinitum.
In romantic situations look at it this way:
Girl fancies boy and makes eye contact.
Boy is attracted and continues eye contact (pursuit).
Girl looks away (rejection)
Boy looks away (retreat)
Girl looks at boy and holds eye contact for longer (pursuit)
Girl looks away again (rejection)
Boy goes over to girl to say hello (pursuit)
Girl plays hard-to-get (rejection)
and so on
See the dance of attraction and rejection in your persuasion. Avoid chasing too hard. Also avoid running too fast away from the other person - it is often useful go a little way and pause to see if they are following!

Monday 11 July 2011

Men Attraction Body Language

Here are some general tips on knowing whether a guy is secretly admiring you and has the hots for you!

When guys notice girls they find attractive they will subtly straighten their backs to appear taller, suck in their guts and expand their chests. While this may not be as noticeable at parties where everyone is dressed it is definitely more obvious at the beach or even at your local gym where people are more vulnerable.

This is due to the simple fact that what is generally considered hot or sexy is our gender differences, men try to highlight their stature and muscles.

Men have always had a fascination with their own crotch, without caring if it’s in public or not we’ll in the most free way adjust our package specially in situations with large groups of other males where theres competitive behavior such as two groups of fans from opposing teams at a pub watching a sporting match, they will constantly start moving around the front of their pants as a way to demonstrate their masculinity.

The use of the feet pointing interest signal, where they might be standing sideways because they are in a group of three or more people or don’t want to appear blunt by standing right in front but the lead foot or both of the guy will be pointing towards the person that is attracting their attention the most.

Observe if they have large pupils.

If they are doing the “Superman” or “Package” pose, if he sucks in his gut, if he starts preening himself by fixing his hair, tie, collar or socks, if he tilts his head sideways to appear friendly and non dominant, if he begins mirroring you by copying your body language or asking what your going to eat to order the same, constantly looking at your mouth can be a sign of interest in kissing, he may also stop slouching to appear taller not only because he wants to appear larger but…when men or women are interested in something/someone or happy, our backs will straighten upwards, when we slouch however it’s a display of boredom or feeling down