Sunday 17 July 2011

Film Yourself

You can improve your body language so that you can be more in control of what messages your are sending out there to him/ her.

You can improve your body language with a video camera. Try to get someone to film you at a social gathering. This can be very painful to watch but is of immense value to you.

Things to look out for:

Your Posture:
Are you a huncher? if you are you probably creep girls out when you approach them. Here is an excellent technique for improving your posture:
  • Spinal Alignment - Think of your spine as a stack of coins. Each disc of your vertebrae should be balanced on top of the other, with your skull comfortable perched atop. The key is to become aware of your posture, which alone takes practice. I printed the words "Sit up Straight" next to my computer as a reminder and it worked for me. When you catch yourself slumping, imagine your head as a helium balloon pulling your spine straight. Try to keep your ribs and hips aligned with each other as much as possible. When you bend over, bend at the waist and slightly bend your knees, instead of curving your spine. It takes practice but basically it is a balance of keeping yourself upright without looking like a stiff jackass. You find your alignment and at the same time relax into it. To really get a feel of how your spine is supposed to be aligned, lay on the floor on your back and bend your knees. so your feet are planted on the floor. Take a few deep breaths.
  • The Importance of Symmetry - Using your mind, imagine an invisible vertical line dividing your body in half. Try to create a sense that each half is a mirrored image of the other. Aside from the ergonomic aspects of this, it has been scientifically proven that in nature, symmetry is an attractive quality. In other words, don't cross your legs when you sit, and don't shift all your weight to one leg when you stand. Be balanced.
  • Trapezius Balance - The trapezius is one of the most abused muscles in the body. The problem is that we either hunch over too much or overdo the opposite extreme by sticking our chests out. To find the ideal middle-ground, imagine a force pulling your shoulder blades apart and widening your back, this not only helps to release the tension stored in the midsection of this muscle, but also increases your perceived width and presence. I have had people ask me if I have been hitting the gym ever since I adopted this posture! The upper section of the trapezius also suffers alot of tension, this is the muscle that stretches from your shoulders to your neck. This tension can be alleviated by becoming aware of your collar bones. They should always form a straight line, parallel to the ground. In other words, don't scrunch them up so that they for a "v" and don't push them down so the form an "A"

Lean back and take up as much space as possible. Men increase their perceived size to attract females. Sit with your legs open wide or when standing keep your feet about shoulder width apart.

Use a deliberate and relaxed pace. This creates a very subtle sense of peace on confidence that emanates from you and all others will feel. Don't gesture wildly or whip your head around. Do everything slowly and calmly. Also, unless you enjoy looking insecure and nervous, don't bite nails, fidget or play with things in your hands. Just hold a drink or keep your hands by your waist.

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