Thursday 28 July 2011

Ancient Mating Dance Instructions For Women

Ok girls, here is how you can pick the man that YOU WANT from a crowd:

Catch his attention as he looks around the room and look directly into his eyes. When your eyes meet, smile and hold the connection a little longer than normally done. Do it noticeably longer than when looking at other men and friends. This is definitely a very special gaze and it packs a powerful body language message.

While looking at him, think these thoughts so your face will be most inviting to him and it will help you time your gaze: "Come here big man, I am the special woman you want and I am all yours! All you have to do is come to me." (He might even read your mind!)

If the guy maintains eye contact with you, then smile and drop your gaze DOWN to your lap or table.
In a few seconds glance back to see if he is paying close enough attention to look back to meet your eyes again for a even more friendly eye contact. Gaze into his eyes again for a slightly longer time, then smile and look down.

Please Note that:

1. Making Eye Contact Shows Interest
Looking directly into the eyes of another person can send a powerful message indicating either a desire for closer contact or a challenge to fight. The length of eye contact and the body language, with facial expression, reveals if the contact is to be inviting or threatening. So be sure to smile when you are trying to make a friendly connection with this long eye contact.

Observing the eye movements of acquaintances can be very revealing. For example, when meeting a new person if they make only very brief eye contact, then their interest in you is minimal. They will remain emotionally distant from you until something changes their attitude. This weak personal connection toward you may not necessarily have anything to do with you. He or she may feel intimidated, inferior, frightened, or shy.

Watch for these eye patterns when you are using your flirting eye contact:

If he or she looks away quickly while you are holding your gaze, then there is little interest in you -- or they have interest but are afraid of intimacy or are shy.

(For women)If he holds his eye contact until you break it off to look down, then he has interest in you. If he is there to meet your gaze when you look back up, or he repeatedly glances in that direction, then he has great interest in you.

Researchers have measured the length of the average casual eye contact at about 100 milliseconds (one-tenth second). The flirting eye contact lasts at least 150 milliseconds. Amazingly it is done unconsciously and very accurately in most cultures. This longer than usual eye contact is an ancient body language signal indicating interest.

2. Looking Down Indicates Passiveness
It is important to understand the strong message you send when you hold your gaze for longer than normal, then break eye contact and look DOWN. This is body language from our ancestors that is programmed into our DNA. This is what the message is:

A Smile and Long Eye Contact = "I am friendly and happy to see you. I am interested in you."

Looking Down = "I will not resist you! You may come closer." The receiver of this message should read it as, "I want you to approach me! I am waiting for you!"

I wonder how many men have fallen for that women's trick over the past million years?

1 comment:

  1. "The more you practice, the better you get and the better you get, the more fun you have!" That's pretty capturing! The fact that practice makes perfect, no matter mistakes come along the way, if you get to appreciate the whole thing about what you're doing and enjoy every single moment, mistakes are bound to nothing and perfection that comes from the heart is more visible than anything.
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