Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Attraction Rejection Game

You may be in lust over someone but find yourself caught up in the attraction rejection game with them. the dance goes something like this:
B is attracted to A
B advances towards A.
A moves away from B.
B stops pursuing A.
A is attracted to B.
A advances towards B.
B moves away from A.
A stops pursuing B.
The pattern then repeats ad infinitum.
In romantic situations look at it this way:
Girl fancies boy and makes eye contact.
Boy is attracted and continues eye contact (pursuit).
Girl looks away (rejection)
Boy looks away (retreat)
Girl looks at boy and holds eye contact for longer (pursuit)
Girl looks away again (rejection)
Boy goes over to girl to say hello (pursuit)
Girl plays hard-to-get (rejection)
and so on
See the dance of attraction and rejection in your persuasion. Avoid chasing too hard. Also avoid running too fast away from the other person - it is often useful go a little way and pause to see if they are following!

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