Monday 11 July 2011

Men Attraction Body Language

Here are some general tips on knowing whether a guy is secretly admiring you and has the hots for you!

When guys notice girls they find attractive they will subtly straighten their backs to appear taller, suck in their guts and expand their chests. While this may not be as noticeable at parties where everyone is dressed it is definitely more obvious at the beach or even at your local gym where people are more vulnerable.

This is due to the simple fact that what is generally considered hot or sexy is our gender differences, men try to highlight their stature and muscles.

Men have always had a fascination with their own crotch, without caring if it’s in public or not we’ll in the most free way adjust our package specially in situations with large groups of other males where theres competitive behavior such as two groups of fans from opposing teams at a pub watching a sporting match, they will constantly start moving around the front of their pants as a way to demonstrate their masculinity.

The use of the feet pointing interest signal, where they might be standing sideways because they are in a group of three or more people or don’t want to appear blunt by standing right in front but the lead foot or both of the guy will be pointing towards the person that is attracting their attention the most.

Observe if they have large pupils.

If they are doing the “Superman” or “Package” pose, if he sucks in his gut, if he starts preening himself by fixing his hair, tie, collar or socks, if he tilts his head sideways to appear friendly and non dominant, if he begins mirroring you by copying your body language or asking what your going to eat to order the same, constantly looking at your mouth can be a sign of interest in kissing, he may also stop slouching to appear taller not only because he wants to appear larger but…when men or women are interested in something/someone or happy, our backs will straighten upwards, when we slouch however it’s a display of boredom or feeling down

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