Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Lure Of Color

What color can you wear to compel the opposite sex to
approach you?

Women are attracted to men wearing the color blue. And why
wouldn't we be? guys who frequently
wear blue are "stable, faithful, constant and always there." The
blue guy is a fantastic candidate for a long-term relationship --
someone who's dependable, momogomous and can match his
own clothes.

And what about the ladies?
Women should wear a pink- peach to make themselves most approachable. The
color is very flattering to most skin tones, it gives you healthy
glow, and shows a little vulnerability
which brings out something protective in men.

Want to wear a color that weeds out guys who can't handle
strong women? 
Try a deep red, burgundy or plum. Men who
aren't attracted to strong women will steer clear.

Of all the colors, red is the most sensual. But, wear red with
caution. "Red is the color of sex and power," says Eiseman.
Red adds an element of excitement and attracts two types of
men - men interested in sex, and men attracted to powerful
women. Sure, you'll probably have to fend off a lot of freaks,
but you could also end up attracting a guy that isn't threatened
by the fact that you make a bigger salary.

Concerned your wardrobe is driving people away? Stay away
from what Eiseman calls "squished caterpillar yellow-green"
which is said to repel both sexes equally.

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